This distribution system was thought in order to offer to our customers unique products and respectful of the tradition and those African ancestrals techniques
As there are no intermediate, except for the transport company, women have access to a decent wage to live in their villages.
The growth of the company is therefore involved in hiring of more people in Africa.
Women are payed on a piecework basis, knowing that each item purchased induces a percentage donated to a GIE (Economic Interest Grouping).
This participatory system provides funding for projects like school training in weaving, wells, Photovoltaic, etc.
The objective of Promethee is to participate in the creation of shelters for street children. Through the creation of these centers, Promethee Humanitaire develops actions on the long terms to enable children to benefit from monitoring concerning health, culture, education and the insertion until their majority.
EA Deco, such as sixty others compagnies, participates in the mission of Promethee by donating goods. In accordance with the approach of the association, the profits generated by the sales are donated directly to help street children.